Resonant Frequency Therapy

This therapy was created by Royal Raymond Rife, who built the first microscope able to observe minute bacteria and cells accurately.

He then went on to research how subjecting these bacteria and viruses to various frequencies caused them to break down.

A typical treatment using a Rife Machine consists of the client holding cathode ray tubes through which currents of varying frequencies are passed, targeting pathogens and toxins and encouraging regeneration of the body’s cells and tissues. The current should not be confused with electric shock and there is no discomfort or pain involved in the receiving of these radio wave frequencies.

Rife technology works with the body, not against it, and can be particularly helpful in the treatment of resistive conditions.

The technology can encourage and support the body’s own immune system and help to bring about a healthy, toxin free balance within the various systems. It can stimulate a healthier flow of lymph and blood circulation, alleviate a sluggish digestive and elimination system and promote the production of new and healthy cells.

Rife Machine Explained

In the 1920s and ‘30s, Dr Royal Raymond Rife, a bacteriologist studying at Johns Hopkins University observed that viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells had their own resonance frequencies.

He built his research from studies conducted by a 20th-century scientist, Dr Albert Abrams, who believed:

  • All matter vibrates (that vibration is what we call frequency), and vibrations were specific to the type of matter and what it’s made of.
  • Those vibrations emitted by different types of matter can be detected, classified, and measured by specialised operators.

Building on Dr Abrams’ research, Dr Rife theorised that cancer cells could be targeted by outside electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). Then, the cells would undergo apoptosis (cell death, where it will either implode or explode). This was the genesis of the rife machine, a tool that matches the specific frequency of different cancer cells and delivers low-energy electromagnetic waves to the body.

In 1934, Dr Rife conducted experiments on 16 terminal cancer patients. According to some claims, his rife machine for cancer cured 14 of the patients, and the other two stayed for more intensive treatments. Four weeks later, the other two were reported to be cured.

Why Isn’t the Rife Machine More Popular?

Unfortunately, research with the rife machine abruptly stopped when the American Medical Association (AMA) refused to publish any paper supporting the rife technology. It’s commonly thought that the AMA was directly responsible for the suppression of the rife device, which was considered “new medical technology.” In fact, in 1942 the U.S. Court of Appeals found the AMA guilty of suppressing new medical technologies in favour of drug companies. 1

It wasn’t until the 1980s that research with the rife machine resumed. In 1987, Barry Lynes wrote and published a book titled The Cancer Cure that Worked, which revived the subject in alternative therapy circles.

Today, researchers are still experimenting with the rife machine. While there are no long-term studies on its effects, scientists have concluded that low rife frequency electromagnetic waves do affect tumours while leaving healthy cells untouched.2

While studies on its effectiveness are still being conducted, the rife machine has become a well-known alternative to traditional cancer therapies. To understand its effects on cancer, it’s important to know how the rife machine works.

How the Rife Machine Works

Dr Rife compared his experiments to an opera singer who breaks a wine glass by using her vocal cords. The sound made from striking and holding the correct musical note (frequency) would interact with the glass, causing it to vibrate and shatter.

Everything in the world has its own natural frequency.3 The rife machine was designed to detect the natural frequency of bacteria, viruses, or cancer cells, and match them. Like the opera singer and the glass, the rife machine emits a frequency to target the cells and causes them to undergo apoptosis.

Effects on Cancer

Because cancer cells have their own natural resonance (the frequency at which a cell vibrates), they can be targeted by EMFs without harming the healthy cells in the body.4

An easy way to visualise what the rife machine does is to imagine you have a soda bottle. If you open it and listen, you hear the fizz inside the soda. Now replace the cap on your imaginary soda bottle and shake it up. In your mind’s eye, you can see what happens if you open that bottle; the contents would explode in a sticky, sopping mess.

Cancer cells act like the soda in your bottle. If you could observe the cancer cells, you’d see and hear them vibrating. In this analogy, the rife machine is the bottle-shaker; it picks up on cancer cells’ specific vibrations and “shakes them up” by emitting the same frequency at a higher volume.

This causes the cancer cells to vibrate intensely, like the soda, and undergo apoptosis.

Effects on the Body 

While the rife machine is responsible for destroying cancer cells, it leaves healthy cells untouched. According to Dr Rife’s research, cancer cells vibrate at a low frequency while other cells in the body vibrate at a higher frequency.

Because the rife machine targets the cancerous cells at their specific low frequencies, the rest of the body remains unaffected. Studies have shown that extremely low-frequency EMFs have no causal role in cancer development.5 The low-energy waves emitted by the rife machine do little harm to the body, as opposed to traditional cancer therapies like chemotherapy—which comes with a laundry list of adverse side effects.6

Because rife machine treatments have few side effects, it’s considered safe and may be effective for many types of cancers.

What Does the Rife Machine Treat?

The rife machine is designed to tune into your body and listen for abnormally low frequencies. Because it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of cancers can be detected.

The list is nearly endless, but a handful of them are:

  • Breast cancer 7
  • Melanoma
  • Prostate cancer
  • Leukaemia
  • Bone cancer
  • Carcinoid tumours
  • Kidney cancer
  • Liver cancer

As stated earlier, there are 1.8 million new cancer patients per year in the U.S. alone.

In the UK at the last update in October 2022. Macmillan Cancer Support estimated the number of people living with cancer is currently 3 million, this is estimated to rise to 3.5 million by 2025, 4 million by 2030, and 5.3 million by 2040. Traditional treatments cure some patients, but others undergo treatment with little success and various side effects.

To understand why rife machine therapy is gaining popularity, have a look at how traditional treatments are so debilitating for cancer patients.

Chemotherapy: How it Affects Cancer Cells (and You)

To understand why chemotherapy is so effective, you must know how cancer cells operate.

Normal body cells multiply through asexual reproduction, called mitosis (cell division). This involves the original cell splitting into two, and then into four, eight, and so on. Cancer cells are still wired to reproduce, but they’re intrinsically damaged, so they cannot function the way normal cells do.

Furthermore, cancerous cells are programmed to divide rapidly, forming a mass (or tumour). That mass blocks the rest of the healthy organ from doing its job. Because the body can’t heal itself from cancer, patients are compelled to seek outside help.

The most traditional form of cancer treatment is chemotherapy, a cocktail of chemicals designed to kill cells when they go through cell division. Unfortunately, chemotherapy drugs are unable to differentiate between healthy and cancerous cells; they kill any cells that are actively dividing in the body.

That’s why normal body cells that divide constantly are so affected by chemotherapy. The most common side effects include:

  • Hair loss – Your hair is always growing, meaning hair follicle cells are always dividing. Unfortunately, this is why most cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy lose their hair.
  • Overall fatigue and weakness –Your bone marrow cells are constantly dividing, producing new blood cells. Chemotherapy attacks those cells, translating to weakness, frail bones, and overall fatigue.
  • Discoloured, sagging, or unhealthy skin – Humans lose about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells every minute; that’s 50 million skin cells per day.8 As such, the skin is deeply affected by chemotherapy chemicals.
  • Nausea and vomiting – The lining in your digestive system is constantly renewing itself, partially because our stomach acid is naturally acidic. When chemotherapy drugs kill the cells in your digestive system, it causes intense nausea and regular vomiting.

Because of these adverse side effects, cancer patients (especially those who have undergone chemotherapy with little or no success) turn to alternative treatments like rife machine therapy. These devices are designed to treat the whole body in the most effective and least damaging way possible.

The Rife Machine Treatment Process

When a patient elects for rife machine therapy, they must be connected to the device to receive the signals. The patient is instructed to hold onto 2 plasma tubes and place their feet onto metal plates, however, if more intensive treatment is required to a more specific area, 2 brass cylinders may be attached to the machine and placed next to a specific area on the patient’s body.

These plates or tubes are connected to the rife machine, which is calibrated to an electromagnetic frequency specific to a type of cancer. Once the rife frequency generator is running, that frequency is sent into the body to target cancer cells. Because the energy from the device is low, it’s a painless experience.

Rife machine therapy can be conducted a few minutes per day, several times per week. However, finding the optimal frequency and length of administration time requires the help of a professional. Each rife treatment plan will differ for every cancer patient, so always consult a doctor before trying new therapies.

The RIFE machine can be used for much more than cancer therapy and can be used to help with many other health issues by effectively exposing pathogens in your body.

The RIFE machine may help to:

• Relieve pain
• Boost immune system
• Repair DNA
• Burn fat
• Endocrine system support (hormones)
• Diabetic Treatment Support
• Depression/Stress/Anxiety relief
• Respiratory system support
• Detox kidney, liver, lymph
• Helping with symptoms of flu, sinus infections
• Digestive support



  1. Court Listener.American Medical Association. v. United States. https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/1474242/american-medical-assn-v-united-states/
  2. Effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on B16F10 cancer cells. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30889982/
  3. HWH Architects, Engineers, and Planners Inc. Resonance and Structures. https://www.hwhaep.com/blog/view/resonance-structures
  4. i-Scholar. Natural Frequency of Cancer Cells as a Starting Point in Cancer Treatment.


  1. Effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on B16F10 cancer cells. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30889982/
  2. Current Understanding of the Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28414399/
  3. NCBI, British Journal of Cancer. Cancer cell proliferation is inhibited by specific modulation frequencies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3261663/
  4. edu. The Building Blocks of Life. https://askabiologist.asu.edu/cell-division